

Request from Simon Wiesenthal to Bella Klinger (Paris, France), for testimony against Karl Josef Fischer, former SS-Hauptsturmführer and physician in the camps of Majdanek, Sachsenhausen and Auschwitz, dated 17 September, 1948

On the topic mentioned in the correspondence, see also:
“Karl Josef Fischer” (VWI-SWA, I.1 ); “Auschwitz, 1-5” (VWI-SWA, I.1); “Auschwitz (Österreich Prozesse)” (VWI-SWA, I.1 ); “Lublin-Majdanek” (VWI-SWA, I.1); and “Sachsenhausen” (VWI-SWA, I.1 ), and
“Documentation of the Jewish Historical Documentation Center, Linz, regarding the granting of the ‘Unmasker of a Murderer’ award to refugees who helped to bring war criminals to trial” (Yad Vashem Archives, M.9/46)